Here I am asleep at the Inn somewhere on top of Razor Hill... What a hard day at the (Guild) Office!Greetings To All
Horde Shamans who are able to assemble inside the
Demon Soul Realm!
This past Sunday at the time did not seem related to my
Meta-Quest but now I have realized that this event is historic for two reasons:
I - This is the first time only the Shamanic members of the
Guild had Quested together. It is important that Shamans Quest with me as I need
totems for my
Sigil charging ritual.
II - Every Quest no matter how small is historic because it is all part of the bigger picture of
levelling up to acquire the aformentioned
elemental totems.
III- Dorka accidentally drank her
Earth Sapta brew without realizing she was to save it for her first
Totem quest...We had to find something for all of us to do after all!
Well now, it is time to unveil for you the history of this unique Quest...
Here I am meeting Dorka for the first time... Dorka is another Shaman summoned forth upon my old friend Sliz's beckoned call. Since Sliz is a Mage and not a Shaman, she had to find one for me and thank darkness, she appointed the most suitable candidate indeed!
At this point, Dorka and I also met Woshaman for the first time. Woshaman is a Tauren Shaman and was summoned in a similar manner by Bowwtoxx. Due to the sensitive nature of my Meta-Quest, my colleagues in the Ars Virtua Artists'Guild have been very helpful with recruiting more Shamans to my cause because without my own personal Horde of Shamans, I will not be able to acquire enough elemental totems to complete the first major invocation ritual...Well on this day, I had to focus on a much more immediate and conventional Quest and this was known as... QUEST: "VANQUISH THE BETRAYERS!" DESCRIPTION: Kill 10 Kul Tiras Sailors, Marines and finally, the Lieutenant Benedict...This Quest is not as easy as it sounds. I am speaking in the present tense as we have not quite finished this Quest at the time of writing...
Here are some portraits to show you how this current Quest is coming along thus far...
This is a historic portrait as it depicts the very first slain Kul Tiras Sailor.
Here is an action portrait of Dorka and I attacking a Kul Tiras Marine with lightning bolts while Woshaman heals us in realtime - and who is to say that the Horde's Medicare system is barbaric??
Here is a portrait of the 3 of us entering the castle gate of Tiragarde Keep.
Here we are inside the main foyer of the castle...with skeletal remains.
After some mighty tough battles in the foyer, we meandered inside the various dungenous catacombs that extended throughout the labyrinthine buttressing of this Castle of The Keep...
Here we have another lightning bolt action potrait of Dorka and myself... Once again, Woshaman provides the charity work as our designated healer while we attempt to kill off 2 Marines for our Questly quota.... Our focus at this point was on the Marines since we had already fulfilled our Sailor quota... It was during this identical point in time/spcae that we managed to successfully perform some "greed rolls" and earned us a Red Linen Robe each.
Roll out the Barrels! Hopelessly addicted to our greedy luck, we began trolling through the barrels for some extra lOOt...We had some spare time to locate free $$$$ since we finally managed to fulfill the slain Marine Quota.
Here is proof that I am now starting to die every Sunday. Once I had successfully met my third death to date, I quickly sought some Olden Style Southern Comfort from my local Spirit Healer in the Sen'jin Village Cemetary.
Here is a close up of my new neighborhood Spirit Healer. Being dead for several seconds has led me to contemplate the possible mounting of a ghostly invocation ritual/performance possibly involving a mass Shaman suicide as a method to help charge my Sigil with the full psychic force needed for entity activation...Hmmm..perhaps, The Guild will reserve this sacred rite for a later date... I still had to return to the Land of the Living as I had some Unfinished Business left to undertake...
Back in the Land of the Living, I managed to illustrate an action portrait of Woshaman healing my recently resurrected corpse...
I must say that I am addicted to action portraits! Once again, here is yet another action portrait of the three of us taking care of some rogue sailors...
Here is a slightly better angle of this action scenario... Since my dexterity and constitution was lost within the Fog of War at this time, an important development had temporarily escaped my consciousness... As soon as I had one peaceful second to myself, I noticed that there was no text-scroll mentioning that the Lieutenant Benedict still needed to be slain by our collective hand. Was Benedict in fact killed in my brief absence during death? Since there was no immediate record in my Quest log at the time and I also noticed that my primary chat-scroll foretold the wonderment that Agrezel felt since he also was curious as to the whereabouts of this Lost Lieutenant...hmmmm... a magickal glitch in the system, mayhaps?
I guess we must have killed Benedict because in almost no time flat, I was dutifully following Woshaman back to the Razor Hill Inn in Durotar for some R&R (Rolling dice and Revenge planning)... I believe that Dorka must have also likely been following me... On another note, you can see an example of some Guild Spam (from another Guild and not ours) in the scrolling text... Maybe here, Dorka can finally find some Sapta on tap.
For those who exist in other dimensions similar to the World of Warcraft, you might find this particular portrait to be of particular intrigue and worth your curiosity. Here we are checking our mailbox for deposited scrolls...As you can see, the mailbox is that very visible box with the mail icon down there on the ground. This mailbox was placed right outside the local Inn on Razor Hill... It was definitely time to recharge for next Sunday. For those who exist outside of my dimension, the "zzz" icon above my profile portrait means I am at rest...
What better way to bond with your Guildmembers than to share a bed with them?
Here is a slightly more distant portrait of the three of us on the bed at the Inn. You could say this was one Hell of a Shamanic sleepover!
Woshaman disappeared for the night so Dorka and I found our "final" resting places...
I only took this portrait in order to show the lovely beadwork near my bed.... I mentioned I belonged to an Artist Guild, correct? MUA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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