Sunday, March 16, 2008

Two Video-Scrolls of my Historical Quests Scryed by Sliz!

This video-scroll was captured through magickal scrying techniques by Sliz. This video-scroll depicts an earlier quest and reflects upon our attempts to hunt down Scorpions and other beastlie minions!

This video-scroll was captured through magickal scrying techniques by Sliz. This second video-scroll depicts last week's quest with Sliz's conjured thought-form Dorka working with Bowwtoxx's own thought-form, Wowshaman.

Greetings Elite Shamans and Members of the HORDE!!!

My fellow Guildmember, Sliz has posted two video-scrolls and remarked on two of our earlier historic quests! These videos appear to be revealing two chronological points of our quest.

I hope you have enjoyed them!

Now, I must prepare for tonight's All-Shamanic Quest!


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