Here I am posing with some Pacific-Northwest style totemic signposts that are located at my current homebase, Thunder Bluff.HAIL
I humbly apologize for the epic delay with blogging. These quests have been so time and health (
mana) consuming, I have rarely had any chance to reflect upon these sublime situations!
The last time I reported for you, I had barely made the
Armory at Level 10...
Since then, I have accomplished some major milestones related to my
I - I have reached
Level 22 as of 3 hours ago.
II - I have already successfully performed two arcane rituals with the
Guild. The First one was a Fyre
Scrying ritual that enabled the Guild to begin visualizing the multifaceted visages of Owzl Owwan Oaaz.
You can view this moving reflection by click on this link!
I will discuss this initiation ritual in more detail at a later date.
I have also conducted the first elemental totem ritual. I should have documentation of this Earth Totem ritual that took place at
The Great Lift in a few weeks but for now, I will need you to have faith that this legendary event had in fact transpired...
III - I have acquired three of the required
four elemental totems and only have 8 more levels to aspire towards until my magickal-mana-cal power source has been properly established. I now have Earth, Fire and Water totems.
Please scroll down this blog to view more images...
Here I am at level 21 posing near the Sepulcher.
Here I am posing with all three of my required elemental totems... From left to right:
Water Totem (brand new),
Earth Totem, and my Fire Totem .My goal is to
complete level 30 and acquire the final Air Totem and then charge the remaining elemental rituals for Owwzl to be fully alive on the
Astral Plane.
For now, I wish to thank many of my fellow
Guild members who are still helping me with both my
Totem Questing,
Level Grinding and the Rituals themselves:
(in alphabetical order)...
BowwtoxxCartierpradaCreativcowmanCuttierCuttyElahFeloniousFiretusksHeisenbergMyriammooreRiggamarallShacowShivvySilverlightsSlizSlizelleSootsoSuffragistTookisWoShamanWithout these brave m(art)yrs and unholy champions, I would have remained permanently deceased at Level 7!